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Ear Problems for Pets

Ear Problems for Pets

Symptoms of ear disease are shaking the head, scratching at the ears, discharge from the ear canal, odor from the ear, or redness of the ear flap or entrance to the ear canal.

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Managing Feline Asthma

Managing Feline Asthma

Learn about feline asthma, a condition similar to human asthma, causing chronic inflammation in cats' airways, making breathing difficult.

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What is Mange?

What is Mange?

Has your pet suddenly started losing hair? Mange may be to blame. The common skin condition affects dogs, cats and rabbits, causing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

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Lilies are Dangerous to Cats

Lilies are Dangerous to Cats

A significant source of toxicity for cats that is unknown to many people is lilies. Keep your feline friend safe by following these tips.

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Stress Relief for Pets

Stress Relief for Pets

Illness, changes in routine or the death of another pet can lead to an increase in your pet’s anxiety level. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help your pet.

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5 Ways to Protect Your Dog’s Hearing

5 Ways to Protect Your Dog’s Hearing

Discover essential strategies to safeguard your dog's hearing with our informative article.

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Declawing Alternatives for Cats

Declawing Alternatives for Cats

Discover the controversy surrounding cat declawing and its impact on scratching behaviour and household challenges.

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Unnecessary Risks Cat Owners Take

Unnecessary Risks Cat Owners Take

Sometimes you can miss little changes in health or care that can have a large impact. Read on to learn more.

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Gastroenteritis in Pets

Gastroenteritis in Pets

Prolonged vomiting and diarrhea may indicate gastroenteritis, an inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

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Dog Allergies and Lesion Locations

Dog Allergies and Lesion Locations

Dogs are taken to the veterinarian for skin problems more than any other reason. Most often they are itchy and that itchiness is typically due to allergies.

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How to Keep Your Cat from Getting Fat

How to Keep Your Cat from Getting Fat

Overweight cats face increased risks of diabetes, cancer, liver issues, joint pain, and other health problems, impacting their quality of life.

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Understanding Renal Failure in Cats

Understanding Renal Failure in Cats

Explore common renal issues in cats, stressing the need for urgent care in acute cases and the importance of managing chronic renal disease in senior cats.

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