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Staph Infections & Your Pet

Staph Infections & Your Pet

MRSA, or Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, is a dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection, posing severe health risks.

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Preparing Your Pet for the Winter

Preparing Your Pet for the Winter

Here are some preparations you should make to help your pet prepare for the winter.

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Ferrets Can Be Furry Family Too

Ferrets Can Be Furry Family Too

Before adopting a ferret as a family pet, it's crucial to consider housing and safety factors to ensure the well-being of both your household and the new addition.

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Cancer, by definition, is the uncontrolled growth of cells. Any type of cells in the body can become cancerous.

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Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder

Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder

If your dog repeatedly engages in aimless activities like licking, tail-chasing, or barking at nothing, it may indicate canine compulsive disorder (CCD).

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Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs

Xylitol, a common sugar substitute, can lead to severe hypoglycemia and liver failure in dogs, prompting an increase in cases of canine sickness.

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Pet Food Safety Measures

Pet Food Safety Measures

Making the right choices for the right pet will give your pet the best chance at optimum wellness.

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Vitamin C: Guinea Pigs vs. Dogs

Vitamin C: Guinea Pigs vs. Dogs

Explore the unique dietary needs of guinea pigs versus dogs in our informative article, shedding light on why vitamin C is crucial for guinea pigs but not for dogs.

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Ferret Health

Ferret Health

Biannual veterinary checkups and yearly vaccinations, particularly for canine distemper, are vital for maintaining your ferret's health.

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Feline Distemper

Feline Distemper

Feline distemper or feline panleukopenia is a highly contagious viral disease of kittens and adult cats caused by the feline parvovirus.

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Laser Therapy Eases Pet Pain

Laser Therapy Eases Pet Pain

Laser therapy is a cutting-edge technique in veterinary medicine for managing many conditions, including chronic pain in pets.

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Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter

Animal shelters provide temporary housing for stray or abandoned pets, primarily dogs and cats, until they are reclaimed, adopted, transferred, or euthanized.

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